Simple, powerful game management software.
Compatible with: X-Series Advanced Laser Tag System
Price: $0.00
Advanced game management software to start games, display scores and more. Requires Chimera Hub and X-Series equipment.
A revolution in laser tag scoring marks a revolution in laser tag game control software. Set up, control, and manage laser tag games from a simple web browser interface. Use your personalized score page (which displays your field’s name and information) to instantly upload game scores and stats to the internet for players to view on the field with their smartphones, or later at home. Players can easily share their results on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Use Offline Mode to run games anywhere, with or without an internet connection. works exclusively with the X-Series laser tag guns, the most advanced laser tag equipment ever.
To see game scenarios you can play and their rules, go to the games page. 
To explore in depth, click here to download the X-Series Manual!
Introduction video
Start screen
The home screen is your gateway to starting a game, setting up new gear, or changing your field settings.
Game start
Start a game in seconds! Simply select a scenario, assign guns to each team, and click Start Game!
Player scores
View individual player scores, and use the Game Log to track the game’s events for postgame analysis.
Your players can access the website too, to view their scores, compare performance with other players, and post their top scores to Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
System requirements
System requirements for running a game:
- X-Series laser tag guns
- Chimera Hub for communication with laser tag guns
- Windows 7 or higher
- Mac 10.4 or higher
- Full power USB port (Keyboard or self-powered USB hubs don’t supply enough power)
- Google Chrome Web Browser
- Optional Internet connection for uploading scores
System requirements for viewing scores: PC, Mac, Tablet or Phone running a typical web browser.
Learn more
Learn more about all the options available in in the X-Series manual!