Laser Tag Games
For X-Series equipment
X-Series Laser Tag Games
These fun games are available with your X-Series equipment! All games support Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets. Games which require Chimera Bases or Chimera Targets are marked.
Terms and Reference
Before looking through the games, take a moment to read through the following terms, as they are commonly used throughout all of the games and it’ll help to understand them. Our X-Series Manual here has additional information, but this is a good start!
Hits or Health
How many times a gun can be hit before a player is eliminated.
Shield Hits
A type of Hit that can regenerate. Check out the Regenerating Shields Game Mode for an in depth explanation.
Clip Size
How many shots a player has before they have to reload.
Reload Time
How many seconds a player has to wait after reloading before they can shoot again.
Fire Rate
How fast a gun will shoot. The number represents how many shots you can shoot in a minute.
How many hits another player will loose when you shoot them.
Stun Time
How long another player will be stunned when you shoot them. Stunned players cannot shoot or reload.
Hit Rate
How fast a player can be hit. The number represents how many times you can be hit in a minute. When set to a low number, such as 60 a minute, a player can only be hit once every second.
Standard Gun Setup
This is a way to describe how the gun is set up to work. Many game modes use these settings. Game modes that use different settings will explain what is different. Here are the Standard gun settings: 20 Hits | 30 Clip Size | 3 second reload time | 200 Fire Rate | 1 Damage | 0 Stun Time | 600 Hit Rate
In some game modes, players can heal. Healing will let players get back some of the hits they have lost.
In some game modes, Chimera Bases can revive players. This means that a player who has lost all of their hits are given all of their hits back and can continue to play.
Tagged Out or Eliminated
When a player loses all of their hits, they are tagged out. This means that their gun shuts down and they are out of the game. Some game modes allow players to revive.
Individual Points
These are points that a player will get when they complete an objective. (Ex. A red team player shoots an opponent. They get 100 points.)
Team Points
These are points that a team will receive when a player on that team completes an objective. (Ex. A red team player captures the flag. Red team receives 5000 points.)
Basic games
Immortal Arena, Immortal Arena Teams, Free For All, and Team Elimination are great games for newer players. They are easy to learn and fun to play, allowing players to start right away.
Immortal Arena
Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
An easy game for beginners. Players cannot be tagged out during the game. Instead of losing hits, your gun will be temporarily disabled every time you take a hit. Do your best to tag as many players as you can, because the player with the most points wins!
- No Teams – Free for All
- Guns do not have hits
- Guns have a Stun Time of 3 seconds when hit
- Targets can be added for extra points
- Bases can be added for extra points
- The player with the most points at the end of the game wins
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
Immortal Arena Teams
Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
The team version of Immortal Arena. Players cannot be tagged out during the game. Instead of losing hits, your gun will be disabled for a few seconds every time you take a hit.
- Teams – No friendly fire.
- Guns do not have hits.
- Guns have a Stun Time of 3 seconds when hit.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Bases can be added for extra points.
- The team with the most Team Points at the end of the game wins.
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot an opponent during the game |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |
Free For All
Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
A simple game for all players. There are no teams and everyone is fighting to be the last player standing.
- No teams
- Standard Gun Setup
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revival.
- The last player alive at the end of the game wins.
(If time runs out before one player remains, the player with the most Individual Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Elimination

Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
A classic game mode. Two teams face off to eliminate all of the enemy players. Chimera Bases can be added so that players can be revived. This allows teams to survive until the time runs out, allowing for a robust experience. Chimera Targets can be added as an additional objective for players.
- Standard Gun Setup.
- Teams – No friendly fire.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revival.
- The team that eliminates all the enemy players first wins.
(If time runs out before one team is eliminated, the team with the most Team Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |
Advanced games
These games are a bit more detailed, but just as fun to play. Once players understand the basics, try out these game modes for more fun and challenge.
Capture the Flag, Control Point, Powerup Quest, Race to Level Seven, Super Mercenary, Regenerating Shields, Zombie and Civil War are all advanced game modes.

Capture the Flag
Requires Chimera Bases
Supports Chimera Targets
A new way to play an old classic. Each team has one or more Chimera Bases with an electronic flag. If you get within 10 feet of an enemy base, you can shoot the base and take its flag. Be careful, though! The base will alert its team by saying “The flag has been stolen!”, and your gun will repeat “I have the flag!” Quickly get back to one of your teams’ bases and shoot it to return the flag.
- Teams – No friendly fire.
- Standard Gun Setup.
- If a player has the flag, they cannot shoot other players.
- If a player dies while they have a flag, that flag disappears.
- Flags will recharge on a base in a set amount of time. (Set between 30/60/90/120 seconds)
- Bases will revive players quickly while it has a flag. Bases will not revive players when a flag is taken. When a flag recharges on a base, players will be able to revive again.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- The team that has more Team Points at the end of the game wins.
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
100 points | Steal an enemy flag |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
500 points | Return the enemy flag to your base |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |
5000 point | A teammate the enemy flag to your base base |

Control Point
Requires Chimera Bases or Chimera Targets
A fun game where players battle over control of Chimera Targets and Bases. Chimera Bases either start on a team or are neutral and able to be captured. Players capture neutral bases by shooting them until the lights change to their team’s color. Players can revive at any base their team owns. Neutral control points give points every minute, so capture as many as you can!
- Teams – No friendly fire.
- Standard Gun Setup.
- Control Points that start on a team cannot be captured by another team.
- Control Points that start on a team are worth more points when shot.
- Control Points will revive players in a set amount of time. (Set between 15/30/60/90/120 seconds)
- Control points can be set to be captured quickly or slowly. (Set between Slow/Medium/Fast)
- The team that has more Team Points at the end of the game wins.
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a neutral base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Capture a control point |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
500 points | Shoot a base that started on an enemy team |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base that starts on an enemy team |
1000 points | Every minute your team has full control of a neutral control point |
Powerup Quest
Requires Chimera Targets
Supports Chimera Bases
Enhance your gun with a variety of Powerups that you collect by shooting Chimera Targets. Each target glows with a color that reveals the Powerup it contains. After a Powerup is collected, the target glows red while it recharges.
- Blue Target – Machine Gun (30 shots that shoot quickly)
- Purple Target – Rocket Launcher (3 slowly reloading shots that do 5 damage each)
- Yellow Target – Armor (Adds 5 Health to your gun)
- Green Target – Health (Heals you for 5 hits)
- Teams - No friendly fire.
- Standard Gun Setup.
- When a player runs out of the Machine Gun or Rocket Launcher ammo, the gun changes back to the starting ammo of the gun.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revive.
- The team that eliminates all the enemy players first wins.
(If time runs out before one team is eliminated, the team with the most Team Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |

Race to Level Seven
Requires Chimera Targets
Supports Chimera Bases
This game mode allows players to choose a “class” at the beginning of the game. Each class has its own strength and weakness that allows you to play in a unique way. As you play, shoot targets and eliminate players to level up your gun. Every player starts at level 1 and can grow to level 7. For a look at how each class works, look at page 30 and 31 of the X-series manual.
- Teams – No friendly fire
- Each player chooses a “class” at the beginning of the game. Eliminating players and shooting targets will level up your gun.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revival.
- The team that eliminates all the enemy players first wins.
(If time runs out before one team is eliminated, the team with the most Team Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |
Super Mercenary
Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
An advanced version of Team Elimination. A player with a powerful gun is available for both teams. He doesn’t start on a team, but will join whichever team is able to shoot him first. Use him to your advantage, but be careful - the other team can hire him too!
- Teams – No friendly fire.
- Standard Gun Setup.
- The Mercenary does not start on a team. He is unable to shoot until a team hires him.
- The first person to shoot the mercenary will hire him onto that team. His gun is powerful and shoots 3x as fast as other guns.
- If the Mercenary is tagged out, he will be disabled for 10 seconds and then join the team of the player that killed him.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revival.
- The team that eliminates all the enemy players first wins.
(If time runs out before one team is eliminated, the team with the most Team Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
50 points | Convert a mercenary during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |
500 points | A teammate converts a mercenary during the game |

Regenerating Shields
Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
An advanced version of the Team Elimination game mode. Each player has a “shield” that will protect you from permanent damage. Shield hits can regenerate if a player does not take damage for 30 seconds. Once you lose your health hits, however, they are gone permanently.
- Each player has 10 total hits. The first 6 are shield hits, and the last 4 are health hits.
- If a player loses health hits, they will not regenerate. Your shield hits will regenerate if you have not taken damage for 30 seconds after being hit.
- Example 1: I start at 10 hits. I take 3 damage while moving which puts me at 7 hits. If I do not take damage for 30 seconds, my shield will regenerate my hits back to 10.
- Example 2: I start at 10 hits. I take 8 damage while moving which puts me at 2 hits. If do not take damage for 30 seconds, my shield will regenerate my hits back to 8.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revival.
- The team that eliminates all the enemy players first wins*.
*(If time runs out before one team is eliminated, the team with the most Team Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |

Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
A fun game for any group of players. In this game mode, you have one team of humans and one team of zombies. Zombies are stronger than humans and are able to turn humans into zombies. When a human is tagged out, their gun converts into a zombie after a few seconds.
- Zombies have 20 hits. Humans have 10 hits.
- When a zombie tags out a human, the human becomes a zombie. The human’s gun will first shut down for 10 seconds, then it will restart as a zombie.
- When a zombie is tagged out, it is eliminated.
- Zombie guns will continuously say “BRAINSSS” so humans can identify them.
- Recommended to play with 3 humans for every zombie.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Chimera Bases can be added for extra points and healing.
- The zombies win if all humans are changed into zombies. The humans win if at least one of them remains at the end of the game.
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Civil War
Supports Chimera Bases and Chimera Targets
An advanced version of Team Elimination. A challenging game mode that is designed to put players in the shoes of Confederate or Union soldiers. Players use simulated muskets that can only fire once before having a long reload time. Additionally, players don’t have very many hits before they are eliminated.
- Teams – No friendly fire.
- Each gun has 3 hits before being tagged out.
- Each gun can only shoot one bullet before having to reload for 10 seconds.
- Targets can be added for extra points.
- Bases can be added for extra points and revival.
- The team that eliminates all the enemy players first wins.
(If time runs out before one team is eliminated, the team with the most Team Points wins.)
Individual Points | Objective |
50 points | Shoot a target during the game |
50 points | Shoot a base during the game |
100 points | Shoot a player during the game |
200 points | Take out a player (last hit) |
Team Points | Objective |
10 points | Teammate shoots an opponent |
20 points | Teammate takes out an opponent (last hit) |
50 points | A teammate shoots a target during the game |